What's New - Apple Devices
v 2.3.0 2025-01-20
New winter activities​
​We're adding all things snow and ice for kiting and winging. If you've already recorded any sessions in the snow, you can now update your sessions to show the correct activity type and see your personal bests. The new activities include:
Kite Snowboarding
Kite Skiing​​​​
Kite Skating
Wing Snowboarding
Wing Skiing
Wing Skating
Additional kite sizes
We've added some additional kite size options up to 23m to accommodate Olympic kite racers.
Session time localisation
The date and time for your session will now reflect the actual time at the spot. Until now the date and time of the session was always referenced by the current timezone of your phone. If you have any sessions from when you've been travelling/on holidays you may notice they now display the localised date and time for the spot.
More garmin watch models
We've added quite a few Garmin product codes, so for example if you're using a Fenix 8 or Enduro 3 you should now see it displayed as the recording device within the session details screen.
Jump alert screen time out
We've increased the timeout of the jump alert screen so that it displays for a few seconds longer. Some people were struggling to see it in time.
Updated Garmin Integration Screen
To accommodate garmin users that can record a session via either the Hoolan Garmin app or via a native Garmin activity, we've improved some of the instructions and UI Flow.
Happy New Year! It's going to be an exciting year for us as we will be all guns blazing across Apple, Android and Garmin this year! To get things started we're putting out this small Apple release to embrace the Winter spirit :).
The focus in 2025 is going to be strongly back on Apple. We have a lot of awesome features lined up that we've already started working on - stay tuned!
v 2.2.0 2024-10-23
Wind speed units
You can now set different measurement units for wind speed and for general riding speed.
Go to 'Settings' on the Hoolan iPhone app and update your preferences.
Exclude jumps
It’s now possible to exclude any jump from your session and recalculate your overall session stats and personal bests.
On the Jump Analysis screen, select the jump that you'd like to exclude and tap the new three dot menu - find out more.
In this release we're excited to introduce the following new features:
We've been working super hard on our Garmin and Android apps over the past few months, which we're stoked to be releasing very soon. Our next focus will be on new features and developments, based on all your feedback, so watch this space!
v 2.1.0 2024-06-24
Kite Landboarding
Kite Landbuggying
Wing Landboarding
Our recent focus has been the development of our Garmin app, and this release includes a number of developments to pave the way for this. In addition, we have introduced several new windsport categories:
v 2.0.0 2024-02-04
Garmin Watch Integration
Garmin users can now connect their Garmin and Hoolan accounts, and activities recorded on their Garmin watch will automatically import into Hoolan :). Find out more.
New Activities
We've added Wing SUP as a new activity type. We're also currently testing a number of other new activities and will be releasing them soon!
Your mates with Garmin Watches can now also use Hoolan! We've been super busy working on opening Hoolan up to Garmin users. As a first step, we now offer an integration with Garmin watches, with development of a full Hoolan App for Garmin in full swing.
v 1.11.0 2024-01-8
Edit Profile Function
You are now able to update your first name, last name and username from within the App. More sophisticated features such as adding photos will be coming in future releases.
Fast Finish defaulted to double press
For all NEW users downloading Hoolan from this release date, or users reinstalling the watch app, the default for the the fast finish will now be a double press instead of a single press. EXISTING users will still have the single press as a default, unless they have amended their Fast Finish settings. Both existing users and new users are able to set their individual preferences for the Fast Finish feature from the Settings Screen on their Watch.
What's New information within the App
A 'What's New' screen will now pop up whenever we release a new version of the App so that you can keep up to date on all our latests features and developments. It's going to be a big year :-).
A very Happy New Year to you all! There's been quite a lot of maintenance work in this release, which isn't that exciting, but has to be done! In this release we're including:
v 1.10.0 2023-12-3
Windsurfing and Windfoiling Category
We've added a new 'Windsurf' Category to track your windsurfing and windfoiling sessions!! If this is your discipline of choice you'll now be able to:
- Record your statistics and personal bests for each of the following session types: strapped windsurfing, strapless windsurfing, strapped windfoiling, strapless windfoiling.
- Update any previous Hoolan sessions with the correct activity type. From the Hoolan phone app go to the three dot menu on the top right of the session details screen > Edit > Activity & Kit.
By default, jump detection is turned off for all windsurf activities, however you can change this by going to the 'Settings' screen on the Hoolan Watch App and customising your 'Jump detection & alert' settings.
Height Units
For everyone caught in the imperial-metric brain funk, it is now possible to set your preferred measurement units for height using different units than for horizontal distance. For example, you could now choose to see jump height in metres and distance in miles. You can set your preferences by going to the Settings screen on the Hoolan Watch and Phone app. Currently, the preferences on your phone work independently of the preferences on your watch so you may need to set them on both the Hoolan phone and watch app.
Minimum Jump Alert Height
It is now possible to set a minimum alert height if you are in the game of boosting big! For example, with the alert height set at 3 m you'll only receive an alert on your watch about a jump if it is more than or equal to 3 m. We will, however, still record all your jumps above our minimum threshold of 1.5 m and send them up to the cloud so you can get the full picture on your phone after your session. You can update the minimum jump height for each activity type we offer from the Settings screen within the Hoolan Watch App.
v 1.9.0 2023-11-7
Summary Map With GPS Tracks
We're now drawing your entire session track on the summary map image on both the session and session details screens. The track line is coloured according to your speed at each particular point on the line. This means you'll no longer be presented with an empty map image. Instead you'll be able to see a visual overview of your session tracks so you can relive those epic downwinders, chuckle about a walk of shame or just take in your very own GPS art :)
GPX Export With Heart Rate
Providing you've accepted the required health permissions you should now be able to see your heart rate data in the GPX Export. This means that should you upload your sessions to other fitness apps such as Strava, you'll now be able to get a much better measurement of your cardio performance.
Pull Down to Refresh & Scroll Down to Load More
On the sessions screen we've changed how sessions are loaded. Previously we have been downloading all of your sessions and their associated data every time you visit or return to the screen. This is not so great in terms of data charges for you and server costs for us! Particularly because most people don't look much beyond their most recent sessions. Instead, we're now surfacing just your 10 most recent sessions. If you want to see older sessions just keep scrolling down and we will magically load them from our server. You can now also refresh your list of sessions if you're waiting for a new session to load by pulling down when you're at the top of the list. Alternatively if your Apple device is connected to a physical keyboard you can press command-r on the keyboard to refresh the list of sessions :)
Watch UI Update
A breaking UI change was introduced with the rollout of WatchOS 10. We've applied some fixes so that features like the time in the top right hand corner of the screen are still visible. You may also notice some other layout changes, particularly around the position of the title on each screen and the style of the header navigation buttons.
v 1.8.0 2023-09-5
Jump Detection
There are now three jump detection options a rider can choose from in their Watch Settings screen: On, Off & Custom.
On means jump detection will be running for all activity types.
Off means jump detection will be off for all activity types.
Custom means the rider can choose whether jump detection will be on or off for each activity type.
By default this new setting will be set to Custom and jump detection will be on for the following activity types:
- Kiteboarding (twintip board)
- Kitesurfing (directional board) Strapped & Strapless
- Kitefoiling (foil board) Strapped
For those who never jump, or only jump when on a certain board type, for example, this development saves battery and prevents any false jumps from being recorded.
See our customise your jump detection and alerts help page for full details.
We're taking the first step on our localisation journey by starting to make a note of people's preferred language and region as set on their phone. This will allow us to tailor our communication with people through things like newsletters, email queries and one day the actual app content :).
GPX Speed Export
We're now including speed as part of the GPX Export. If you're a keen speed surfer and love to analyse your data offline this one is for you ;)
Cropped Recording Time
​For a few people who change the default text size on their phone the total recording time was being cropped when they were reviewing their session results. We've now updated it so that it will flow over multiple lines.
Map Improvements
1. For really long events such as pre/post session events that are over 1 hour, sometimes the order of the location points was incorrect meaning some slightly weird lines were being drawn. This is now fixed and all the location points appear in the correct order regardless of how long the event is.
2. We've updated how we draw the map line to take advantage of the iPhone's multiprocessor. This means that the overall map line from really long sessions and really long events such as those from pre and post session should render a little faster on the screen.
v 1.7.0 2023-08-26
It's been a super busy month and we're pumped to be releasing the following features and improvements - enjoy :)
Action Button
Initial support for the action button on the Apple Watch Ultra. With this feature you can now quickly open Hoolan using the action button to get to the record screen and choose your kit setup to start recording. This is a great option if you're already on the water and want to start recording with minimal watch interactions.
Fast Finish Configuration
You can now change the behaviour of the fast finish feature on your watch. From the settings screen on the Hoolan watch app, you can configure fast finish to activate for one press (default), double press or off. We made this change after feedback from riders who were unintentionally pressing the side button and digital crown while riding. We've been testing these options out for a few weeks and it has prevented any session recordings from being unintentionally finished :)
Scroll Lock
We've removed scrolling from the watch recording screen, this prevents any accidental rotations of the digital crown from scrolling the metrics off the screen where they can't be seen.
Pre & Post Session Breakdown
​We've lowered the thresholds to determine pre & post session events. We did this to better support beginners and people riding at lower speeds. With this change the breakdown of a low speed session into runs and transitions should be much improved.
Upload Validation
A few riders have reported that when they came to finish their session they were only being given the option to either discard or continue their session. In order to address this we've changed how we validate a session before we try to upload it. Now your session only needs to contain a minimum of two GPS location points in order for it to be successfully finished and uploaded
Speed Calculation
We've updated how we calculate speed. The new method requires far less post session filtering to get an accurate representation of your speed from the GPS data. As a result it means that realtime speeds on your watch will be even more accurate.
Stop Calculation
We've updated how we represent stops. Sometimes if you fall in, then body drag a little, then stop to get your board on before riding off again, you may notice a couple of stops rather than just one long one. We feel this is a better representation of any stops and more accurate than the current calculation. If a transition has one or more stops, it will still be counted as an unsuccessful transition.
Finish Session Reminder
For now we've removed the finish session reminder. In an upcoming release we'll be working on a crop function so if you do drive home in your car you'll be able to crop out the drive home, thus protecting the integrity of your stats :)
v 1.6.0 2023-07-11
GPX Export
It is now possible to export GPX files direct from the Hoolan app! Go to the three dot menu at the top right of the session details screen. Choose Export GPX File, wait for the file to download and then pick your preferred way to transfer your GPX file. This will allow you to upload your GPS data directly to platforms like Strava without the need for a third party paid tool :). See our Export Data from Hoolan help page for details.
Workout Routes
We've enabled the watch app to write GPS data to Apple Health while you are recording. Once the GPS data from your session is in Apple Health you can then use third party apps like Health Fit to export your data to other platforms like Strava for example :). In order to make this happen you have to allow Hoolan to write to Workout Routes. Once you've installed this update, the review health permission screen will pop up when you next open the watch app - this will allow you to accept this new permission. Failing that, on your phone navigate to Settings > Health > Data Access & Devices > Hoolan and toggle write to workout routes on. See our Export Data from Hoolan help page for details.
We've added some new functions to the settings screen. You can now:-
Rate Hoolan on the app store
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Share a link to the Hoolan app with friends
See what's new in the latest and previous versions of the app
Session Analysis Filter
On the session analysis screen with the map and list of events such as runs/transition/jumps, we've added some text at the top to describe how the events are sorted and filtered. For example, if you tap through to the session analysis screen from say your highest jump on the session details screen, your jumps will be ordered by highest jump to lowest jump. Learn more about Hoolan's Analysis Filters.
Upload Retry
We've expanded the scope of the retry upload button on the watch. Now it's possible to retry an upload not just for failed uploads but also for uploads that get stuck while queued or uploading.
Menu UI
​​We've updated the menu UI at the top right of the session details screen its now a three dot menu with a more modern design and interaction.​
Finish Session Reminder
We've dialled down the aggressiveness of the finish session reminder that pops up after about 5 minutes once you've finished riding.
v 1.5.0 2023-06-28
Added a key to the map to help explain some of the icons and use of colour.
Added an edit button next to your kit on the session details screen so that it is easier to navigate to the edit kit and activity screen.
Made the map GPS tracks easier to see and interpret for both the overall session and the run, transition or jump that you're focusing on.
Updated the colours used to represent different speeds on the GPS map tracks. This makes it much easier to see the speed changes along the track.
Improved the performance of the map so that the GPS tracks will display much faster as you navigate through your session.
v 1.4.0 2023-06-08
We've added a quick start feature so that you can now get recording quickly by selecting from one of your previous activity/kit selections. The record screen will show your history at the top and be in order of most recent and limited to just the last five.
We've updated how the spot information is displayed on the session details screen. You'll now be able to see a more detailed description of the spot location.
We've managed to squeeze a bit more juice out of the watch battery by turning off accelerometer and gyroscope updates while you're not recording and the app is still open.
We've updated the word 'falls' to be 'stops' throughout the app which is a more generic way to describe what's happened in different situations.
We've updated the finish recording alert to encourage riders to press the digital crown and the side button to finish their session.
v 1.3.0 2023-05-16
We've added a feature so that you can share Hoolan with friends.
We've also made some bug fixes and upgraded some of the software components we use.
v 1.2.0 2023-05-08
We've added Hoolan watch complications. This great little feature allows you to launch Hoolan directly from your watch face.
Updates to the jump algorithm to reduce the "long" jumps that are more likely to be the rider going over a wave.
An update to increase the number of Wing sizes we support.
Some small text updates and UI updates for the sign up process.
v 1.1.0 2023-04-28
Edit activity type, board type and kite/wing size
This version contains some big updates around managing your session. If you make a mistake when selecting your activity/kit before you start recording, you'll now be able to update it on the phone app. From the edit button at the top right of the session details screen you can now edit your kit, including: changing your activity, board type and kite/wing size. -
From the edit button at the top right of the session details screen you can now delete the session.
We've also made some minor UI changes